Garden tap installations and Bib tap servicing
If you have a garden and no water supply outside then you’ll certainly need a garden tap installations service to enable you to water your shrubs, lawn and flowers and so enabling you to protect your investments in the garden. This type of installation is fairly straightforward and is simply a case of ‘tee-ing’ off of your mains supply connecting the cold water tap to the kitchen sink to provide the water supply to the tap outside. A hole is then drilled in the wall directly under the sink to install the bib tap on the other side. I usually install a service valve and drain off valve on the pipework so the supply can be turned off and drained down in the winter months to avoid any potential freeze/thaw and burst pipes outside. Foam tap covers are also available to add additional frost protection, and Bib taps with built in double check valves are always installed to prevent water supply contamination and to conform with current Water Regulations.
Time guide
A site survey is required beforehand but most Bib tap installations take around 3 hours, but this depends on where you require the Bib tap to be placed in relation to the cold water supply tee.