Feature wall papering
Feature wall papering
Feature wall papering is a very popular and cost effective way to transform a room and add some individuality to your home and there are a wealth of different wallpapers available to suit any room style and taste. Decent preperation of the wall is key to producing a great finish, any exisitng paper should be removed prior to hanging the new paper, and if the walls have been lined and painted then it may be ok to hang the new wall paper directly over the existing lining paper. Vinyls tend to be easier to remove than normal paper and all holes should be filled and rubbed down well to avoid any bumps showing through the paper. Any bare plaster or new plaster work should be sealed or sized prior to hanging as this will ensure the paper doesn’t peel off and is stuck well. And lastly it’s very important to follow the manufacturers instructions with regard to soaking times to avoid ripples and bubbles in the drops!
Time guide
A wall around 14 feet long with a door, switch and socket would usually take around 3.5 hours to really make a neat job of, but obviously filling holes and the size of wall to carry out the feature wall papering will have a bearing on timescale to complete the job.